Artificial Intelligence is the future of our world. It is turning many fields of society in a much better way, and making their work easy as well as effectively. The results of artificial intelligence are evident. Artificial Intelligence, also known as Machine intelligence is the actions or functions performed by machine. It’s the same way as Natural intelligence in which intelligence is shown by human and animals, same way, in artificial intelligence, The intelligence is shown by Machines. There are various projects in which artificial intelligence is working on such as Blue Brain Project, Cyc, Apache Mahout. One of them is Google Brain too. The application of AI is endless. AI is being tested and worked in healthcare industry and even benefitted it very much. The AI is also subdivided in itself only, one is called Weak AI and another is termed as Strong AI. Weak AI tends to be simple and single task oriented, while strong AI carries on tasks that are more complex and human like. Get tech related updates daily, only by Oriol Infotech.